We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in the 35th Canadian Materials Science Conference at the University of Alberta! It was a resounding success thanks to your contributions.
The conference served as a fantastic platform for the materials community to share and discuss cutting-edge research. We were particularly impressed by the caliber of graduate student presentations, fostering the next generation of leaders in this field.
Be sure to check out the conference photos to relive the highlights!
We look forward to seeing you all again at the next conference, CMSC 2025 hosted by the University of Waterloo!
The premier gathering of the Canadian metallurgy and materials academic community to present and discuss leading-edge advances in their fields. The annual conference promotes and fosters graduate student research providing a forum to highlight contributions to the profession.
Assistant Professor at University of Alberta
Professor at University of Alberta
Contact the Committee: cmsc.contact@gmail.com
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