Awards & Nominations
The award nomination program is closed for 2024.
D.K.C. MacDonald Memorial Lecturer
The D.K.C. MacDonald Memorial Lecturer is an important focus of the conference and the Lecturer is chosen by the Chair of the conference. This award is not open for nominations.
The Metal Chemistry Award (Open for nominations)
History: The Metal Chemistry Award was conceived by Professor H. Hancock of the Technical University of Nova Scotia in 1988 to recognize outstanding contributions to metallurgical chemistry as epitomized by the inaugural winner, Professor L.M. Pidgeon of the University of Toronto. Since the time of its inception the award has included recipients from universities, industry and government laboratories engaged in research activities ranging from hydrometallurgy, molten salt chemistry, corrosion and fundamental physical chemistry bearing upon smelting and refining processes.
Criteria: For outstanding scientific contributions in the area of metal chemistry and distinguished service to the Canadian metal chemistry science community. This award generally covers the science related to the processing and production of materials.
The Metal Physics Award (Open for nominations)
History: The Metal Physics Award was conceived by Professor T.S. Hutchison of the Royal Military College of Canada to recognize achievements in fundamental physics of importance to the understanding of metals as materials. At the time of its first award to Z.S. Basinski in 1977, the advancement of dislocation theory was the very essence of the kind of achievement the award was intended to recognize. Although the Award since that time has been awarded for excellence in a much broader range of research achievements including advancement in non-metallic materials.
Criteria: For outstanding scientific contributions in the area of materials and distinguished service to the Canadian materials science and engineering community. This award more specifically covers material property fundamentals and materials characterization, including the development of measurement techniques in these areas.
Awards Information
- Each award is made annually at CMSC and requires the delivery of a keynote lecture at that event. No more than one award is made per year.
- The adjudication of the award shall be made by the CMSC Awards Committee, which is composed of past recipients and chaired by the MetSoc Secretary.
- The MetSoc Secretary ensures that all conditions of the award have been satisfied and that the procedures were followed. The Secretary forwards the nominations and their supporting documentation to the CMSC Awards Committee.
- The nominations are then put to a vote by ballot of the committee. The ballot must include a “no award” option.
- The Award plaques are prepared by the MetSoc office and presented by the Conference Chairman or designate, either at the close of the keynote address or awards banquet.
Awards Guidelines
- Self-nominations are not permitted.
- Nominations involving candidate participation may jeopardize the candidacy and result in rejection.
- All nominations will stand for 3 years.
The nomination package must include:
- A letter addressed to the Secretary of MetSoc, Jessica Hiscocks, indicating who they are nominating, for what award and why the person is an appropriate candidate (view criteria).
- A CV or biography.
- The nomination package must be sent by email to Victoria Di Woo, MetSoc office. A confirmation should follow within 72 hours.
Submit your documents for the nomination to: